Wednesday, February 23

Upcoming Book Review - God's Promises Devotional Journal

Book Description

A guided journal to lead you through the promises God has for every believer. More than 20 of our leading Christian authors bring inspiration and encouragement every day of the year. Guided questions and commentary gently lead the way for personal meditation and reflection on God’s promises for your life. Journaling space is provided for recording your thoughts and prayers, and for promoting quality quiet time alone with the Lord.

Book Review - Velveteen Bible

When I requested this book from I expected it to be a childrens Bible. The cover, case, and pictures are for children but the Bible itself is for teens and adults. This would, however, make a cute keepsake gift for small children to keep and pass down from generation to generation, in my opinion.

When I see the words "childrens Bible" I think of simple versions of the 'grown up' Bible.

Tuesday, February 15

will be off for a few days

I won't be able to blog for a few days starting Thursday. Ben, my hubby, is having an operation to remove his right kidney. Docs say that a mass has taken over the whole inside of the kidney. After they remove it they will send it to pathology to run tests to see if the mass in cancerous.

I ask that my friends and family PLEASE pray for him.

Mom Ambassador

I signed up up to be a Mom Ambassador today and am SOOOO excited...I sure hope I get picked to be on this team.

If picked, I will have the wonderful opportunity of reviewing items and then sharing my opinions with everyone.

Book Review of - the mountains bow down by Sibella Giorello

The mountains bow down (a Raleigh Harmon novel) written by Sibella Giorello is absolutely THE best book so far that she has written. As she works to juggle personal life, work life and unraveling the mystery before her Raleigh must answer many questions that will have a lasting effect on many of those around her. This book is very easy to read and follow. I could NOT put it down. The characters are well described and it's as if I was there on the ship with them.

I was very blessed to have gotten this book from I absolutely love this site and have NOT been disappointed in any of the books yet.

Wednesday, February 2

Book Requested

Just requested a copy of The Mountains Bow Down. Sounds like a great book, can't wait to get it.

Ultimate DVD Bible - Vol 2

Being a book reviewer I was given a great opportunity to review The Ultimate DVD Bible - Volume 2. This book is wonderful for small children, even young adults. My 6 year old LOVED this, the book and the DVDs. He has watched them over and over. The pictures are great in the book, very colorful; it grabs their attention and keeps it. It's an easy way for them to learn the stories of the Bible and have fun doing it.